
Hi, I’m Maja

Maja at work

I am a Denmark-based web designer with a small studio on the countryside. I love to create website designs, ready-to-go websites and branding templates for Health, Mindful & Creative businesses to help your online presence look beautiful and cohesive.

Boho Spiegel an der Wand


My Story

When I moved to Denmark in 2014, I didn’t know the language, and I didn’t have a job. I took language courses and enrolled to study multimedia design in danish. I love the flexibility and to work on different times of the day. That’s why I started this small studio in 2019.

After more than 11 years in marketing and more than four years as a freelance web designer and Illustrator, I have seen a lot of my clients were overwhelmed with getting their branding up and running in a relatively short time. That’s why I want to provide templates to make it easier for you to create a consistent look in your business. I love aesthetics and clean shapes and get inspired by Scandinavian design.

In my spare time, you can find me with my kids and our dog exploring nature in Denmark or having a coffee with friends.

spaziergang mit dem Hund

Long hikes with the dog!

Maja beim meditieren

Meditation, Yoga, Mindfulness!

What I love!

a cup of coffee


Having fun

Having fun with my kids & boyfriend!

Happy Clients

Maja understood the brief well and submitted high quality, professional design work in a timely manner.

Emma F.

Graphic Designer

Maja Martin hat meine Website www.mette-blomst.dk erstellt und ich bin sowohl mit dem Prozess als auch mit dem Ergebnis äußerst zufrieden.
Maja ist äußerst hilfsbereit, hört zu, ist flexibel, freundlich, gründlich, jederzeit bereit und hat Ahnung von dem was sie tut.
Es war ein Vergnügen, mit ihr zu arbeiten, und ich kann sie wärmstens empfehlen.

Maja Martin har lavet min hjemmeside www.mette-blomst.dk og jeg har været yderst tilfreds både med forløbet og med resultatet.
Maja er uhyre hjælpsom, lyttende, fleksibel, venlig, grundig, villig og vidende.
Det har været en fornøjelse at samarbejde med hende og jeg anbefaler hende på det varmeste.
Mette Andersen

Aromaterapeut, Sygeplejerske og Blomsterbinder, www.mette-blomst.dk